Andreia's Post
About Andreia's Post
Welcome to my blog!
If I have created this website is to have a place where I could film, record or write about anything that goes into my mind. When journalists work for a specific media they don't always have the luxury to pick and choose how and what they want to talk about. The editorial line, the chief editor or the lack of funds are some of the reasons why certain projects are abandoned. Being a freelance journalist I sometimes cannot find a media to publish what I have in mind. So I decided to create my very own media.
On this website, you will find the articles that I have published in other media under the "other articles" section, but - more importantly - you will find my very own news under the "blog" section. The content of my blog is free but you can always help me by sharing the website and articles with your friends. You can also support my work by subscribing to a monthly subscription.
Whatever you choose to do, thank you for being here!